The Official Website of Robert Munsch


In October of 2004 I was on a Storytelling tour. In Prince Albert I visited St Michael School while they were having their first snowstorm of the year. I made up this story for Melissa Keighley in grade 2. She said she liked snowball fights. In the photo, Melissa is the kid holding the book.

On the first snowy day, Melissa ran out for recess and yelled “SNOW! SNOW! I LOVE SNOW!”

So everybody threw snowballs at everybody else , till the principal ran out the door and yelling “STOP THROWING SNOWBALLS! SOMEBODY IS GOING TO GET HURT!”

But Melissa liked snowballs so much that she decided to take some inside.

So she put snowballs in her pockets and snowballs inside her shirt and snowballs under her hat and snowballs in her underwear, and went inside.

When Melissa sat down at her desk, her teacher said “Melissa! How did you get so fat? Did you eat a Moose?”

“NO” said Melissa.

“Did you eat twenty five pizzas?”

“NO” said Melissa.

“Did you chomp a cow?” “NO” said Melissa

Then the snowballs started to melt: DRIP – DRIP – DRIP – DRIP – DRIP – DRIP.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” yelled the teacher “MELISSA! Did you pee your pants?”

“NO” said Melissa.

“AHHHHHHHH!” yelled all the other kids “She has about a zillion snowballs under her clothes.”

“MELISSA” said the teacher “Get rid of those snowballs”

“OK” said Melissa, and she took a snowball from under her hat and threw it at the spelling list that was on the blackboard.

Then she took a snowball from her picket and threw it at the giant snowflake the teacher had on the bullitin board.

Then she threw a snowball at the teacher.

Then the kid who sat next to Melissa reached under her hat, grabbed a snowball and threw it across the room.

Then everyone jumped on Melissa, grabbed snowballs had a HUGE snowball fight.


“Boys are dumb!” yelled the girls.

“Girls are dumb!” yelled the boys

Then they all ran outside and had an enormous snowball fight and Melissa was the last one left standing, because she had the most snowballs.

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