While I was on storytelling tour of Newfoundland in 1988. I was riding out to a little town called Rocky Harbour and the librarian driving me said, “Do you have any stories about Fish? They would like a fish story in Rocky Harbour.”
Well, I didn’t have any fish stories, but I started thinking fast, but by the time we got to the town I still didn’t have a good idea for a fish story. I told stories at a very crowded little library and right in front was a little girl with very long hair named Kristi. At the end I decided to try a fish story and she volunteered to be in it. GET ME ANOTHER ONE was the story that came out. I knew it was a good one so I got Kristi’s name.
Much later, when I was looking for an artist for the book, I called up the same librarian who drove me to Rocky Harbour and asked if she knew anybody who could illustrate the story. She recommended Sean Steffler from Corner Brook, and that is who ended up doing the pictures.