The Official Website of Robert Munsch


Mrs. Neevel's grade one from Fishkill, New York sent me a wonderful letter and I wrote back and asked if Fishkill was full of dead fish. They sent me this photo and wrote this letter: Thanks for writing back to us! No - we have no dead fish in Fishkill...but we do make large birthday cards. Happy Birthday.

(But I still think that a town named Fishkill should be full of dead fish even if its’ kids can make nice birthday cards; so here is a poem about this.)

Evil Mrs. Neevel
Gets her class to lie,
And say dead fish
Are not dead fish!
She thinks I’m a dumb guy!
But Fishkill’s name
Is Fishkill’s name,
And killing fish
Is just the same;
So dead fish is the name of the game!
They pile their dead fish high
In Fishkill.
So for a thrill
Of Fish to kill,
Piled quite high,
As high as a hill,
Go to Fishkill
And kill fish!

P.S. I know that Mrs. Neevel is not really evil, but I just could not resist the rhyme of the first line of the poem!

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